Major Arcana: Virtualka, Olivia Swim, Prince Lucija

𝕸𝖆𝖏𝖔𝖗 𝕬𝖗𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖆
timeline (CET):
23h Virtualka
24h Olivia Swim
01h Prince Lucija
02h Virtualka
03h Olivia Swim
04h Prince Lucija
Olivia Swim, a passionate music lover from Ljubljana, began her musical journey in the world of classical music before discovering herself in electronic rhythms. In her sets, she likes to evoke a sense of nostalgia while embracing the pulse of modernity, creating soundscapes that feel both timeless and fresh.
Virtualka is a newly established DJ who operates in a simulated club environment of Metelkova. She draws tracks from her memory with complex and fast rhythms. Her goal is emulation, in which we hear the merging of music and internet culture.
Luka (any pronoun) has a nearly 30-year career of electronic and computer music production, live performances, DJ sets, club nights, new media art, performance art, activism, advocacy, and various glocal autonomous-tech groups. On the dancefloor, s/he is still most intrigued by the bassy offshoots of syncopated post-electro with cheap breaks and creative transitions between mascara and eyeliner.
Major Arcana is a GENREQUEER clubnight where majority of DJs are FLINTAQ* who play variety of styles of club music, and each DJ plays one hour at the time. Visitors also pull one tarot card to take home. We currently choose a new deck for every event.
"Modern Witchcraft has in many ways become a refuge for the disenfranchised. Tarot is a way to explore oneself as much as the world. For many people of color, LGBTQ+ people and femme folks, it can be a way of retaking power. It can be a way of connecting with a part of themselves that they didn't even know they were cut off from, and of seeking answers to questions they were previously afraid to ask." (via Lisa Sterle)
Most of events are streamed live via
Archives of streams are currently being collected at
Klub Monokel is a lesbian club. Lesbians welcome all queer, bi, pansexual, gay, non-binary, transgender, all LGBTIQ+ people to come together to create a safe space where all verbal and/or physical violence is forbidden. Homophobia, sexism, nationalism, racism, ageism and all other forms of oppression are not tolerated in the club!
5 < 00:00 > 7 Eur
ŠKUC-LL obvešča:
Monokel je lezbični klub.
Lezbijke izrekamo dobrodošlico vsem kvirom, bi-, panseksualkam_cem, gejem, tetkam, taškam, nebinarnim in transspolnim, vsem LGBTIQ + osebam, da skupaj oblikujemo varen prostor, kjer je prepovedano vsakršno verbalno in/ali fizično nasilje. V klubu ne toleriramo homofobije, seksizma, nacionalizma, rasizma, starostizma in vseh drugih oblik zatiranj!
Vse obiskovalke_ prosimo, da ekipo opozorijo na vsakršen pojav nasilja. To lahko storite osebno ali nam pišete na monokelklub@gmail.con, IG in FB stran kluba Monokel.